This magnetically detectable and electrically conductive neoprene fabric is suitable for food handling / processing applications such as bags, bellows, sheeting, curtains, chutes, etc.
This magnetically detectable and electrically conductive neoprene fabric is suitable for food handling / processing applications such as bags, bellows, sheeting, curtains, chutes, etc.
The sheeting is dark blue in colour and is easily visually identified as a non-food material. BST can cut your fabric to size and the material can be eyeleted to your bespoke requirements.
The material has surface resistivity resistance of less than 10⁹ ohms and therefore would be classed as anti-static and therefore charges would not build up on the surface to cause a spark issue. The material would also withstand a pressure rating of 8 psi without any leaks.
Detectable by conventional metal detection systems
Dark blue colour for easy visual identification / food contrast
A metal detectable product is made fully from detectable materials and has the potential to be detected on most industrial metal detection systems. These materials may be metallic or plastic/rubber with special ferromagnetic additives.